Saturday, March 22, 2014



Folks always are pointing the finger at Obamabeenlyin. I say only about 30% of this nations ills are lying at his feet. The rest is this nation. So scared to take a step, to nervous to say , oh well why not?

Of course there are those firms that deal in the outer realms of daily life that are even scared of working with a group that’s been around for 40 years yet try to get em fired up, nope.

Now I understand the weekend. Religious and other family tasks and all get in the way, I say okay I understand that, though looking at our reaper crew, I can point to ten members who have wives and kids, but will sit up when club leaders ask.

Granted not all have the dedication to the club that members do, what I’m getting to is laziness. The old song that goes everybody works for the weekends, must ring true, however those firms that even work on a Saturday, that work after 7:00pm and that are willing to have a face to face somewhere in their clients space, is the dedication we are in the club, are in my business ,(more on that in a minute) exhibit every single day and even hour. 

Some of the greatest songs, and film scripts have been born at midnight or at least on a weekend. Being able to get in touch with your talent agency to reel off an idea and get an idea on a talent to cast in a role, is vital. I am getting off the highway here. Our nation has gotten lazy, one who wants to succeed does not take time off of work, one does not just sleep on it. Your firm becomes part of you. It is you. You sleep it, you eat it, every hour, every breath is the project and or company.

A Facebook associate Canton Towing said it like this, I have what I got, I am where I am, because I am what I do, seeking excellence , in customer and client satisfaction. Not just how long until I get off, or my shift ends. That’s the way I have always ran DixieWolf Toewing/AyreWolf Aviation. Likewise that’s always been the way that the Knytes-of-Anarchy has been. If there is a hurdle in front of you, a Knyte will find a way over, around or through it. Even this new talent firm in Utah county I stumbled upon. I’ll bet money that the saw our rumblings a few years ago. In fact considering the time frame they formed just after I went up to Wyoming. I remember KnyteStar Talent as we said it , we are the ones that hire the bad girls. That was just after we went through that mess with that outfit in Provo called Lasting Impressions. it sure lasted. Any time you have to train , supposedly trained talent, or get a curve ball thrown like a Sister-Wife, who by the way, was ultra hot. I’d have married that one, whew, but think of it this way.

Confederate Steele Media is no new kid on the block. The club and its media arm, formed out of need since no one else was there to do it. Confederate Steele has been around for just over 40 years. I remember going with our President at the time Jon Muir, we went to Suzi McCarty’s agency when it was in the basement of the Salt Lake City Hilton. This is one I’d like somebody in the know though, to explain to me what the big spook is about getting a toe kissed in an audition or on set in an ad production session? This seems like a no brainer, your not asking for a nude, your not asking for a tonsil hockey session, all your doing is smooching a toe, to get a comedic connection between the two words toe/tow. Yet this always makes me wonder what the big damn deal? It’s me that got to intake the smell of a sweaty, toe in hose. Experience from the few that have broke the glass and went for it has taught me. weeks of rehearsal, getting to know each other, and making sure that her feet and area there of isn’t too sensitive. Here’s this one. In 1995/96 just before the airing of the first TV Dukes reunion movie, the club and I booked time on then CH-2 as KUTV had just become the CBS affiliate here. CH-2 set up the production but we had to supply talent. So I went to this outfit called Eastman’s. We came picked one that was close, not right on , but close to Daisy. Two weeks goes by, we come down two days before, shine up LexiBelle, for the ad, and guess what? We go to Eastman’s office a note on the door, saying that they felt our project was beneath them. Really, a phone call couldn’t have been made? After a calm down session and cruizing State, dropped in on Barbizon’ agency, of course the owners daughter showed up, even though it wasn’t who I picked, but hey time was of the essence, we had 4 days to shoot, edit, and make ready the ad for the Hazzard Garage/Dixie Towing as we were then for the reunion movie. Two hours before shooting, weather great, but on set, Mother nature let loose. Snow, so we got a space in the UPS warehouse close by. Fortunate, but here came the talent. Nylons, yes, under cotton sox, under snow boots. Pretty womens feet are supposed to smell like perfume, not this day hers smelled pew. But that’s not it, her feet were so sensitive everytime I breathed out she’d giggle, I was tickling her feet. A shoot that should have taken two maybe three hours, took 7 hours and 72 takes. She couldn’t stand still , she was giggling, could not read lines. What should have cost me maybe $2,000.00 cost me $4,000.00 . Lesson learned. That’s why I always audition carefully, methodically . A simple shot to you that should take 5 minutes at best like me kissing a toe can take 20 minutes, since a good camera guy will take at least 5 rolls of film and two units if video . Make the wrong move, giggle the wrong way, sneeze. Or turn blue because of smell, and a good ad turns into a nightmare. Or should I say Knytemare? Names and locations change in towing. You expand to better cover territory. Or you merge and tweak the name, however, the one key to DixieWolf Toewing, still being Dixie Toewing, is that signature toe kiss. Its foremost in our ad production. It’s a bit, it’s a part. Yet for the life of me, if its mentioned most talent agencies run in reverse.

Any mile, in closing, I work on weekends , the club works on weekends, too bad all our vendors and associates don’t.


AYRE TAGwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
That's right. 'Tain't yours, and 'tain't mine.
--Mark Twain
(when friend said that a certain rich man's money was "tainted")

Ephesians 6:10-11“[The Armor of God] Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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pleasent view tail

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