Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finally a show came out of the fyre


We finally grounded out a show last night at least for the locals. We had a few dead spots with the place we put our Yagi antenna, and our little 50 watt transmitter but at least it’s a start. Can’t wait for that thing that’s about the size of a Refrigerator to get here.

The confiscated console is working, but I think I haven’t began to experience its abilities, but I’ll figure it out myself, since I’m not getting help from all too many that said they’d help, but backed away. But its like much of everything else, the old adage if you want it done right do it yourself. Was it the support from Laura and others that got Comcast off their butts? Maybe, but I also think it was me going over there Monday and letting them know what the thing is. And I got direct answers , not a bunch of chasing tail around a tree. It’s like when I’m buying a truck. If I get a sales guy who says all is good and I find out later it ain’t I’m pissed. If the same sales dude says, its good, but, there a few things wrong, and we negotiate a price based on that, I don’t feel like I got the shaft from behind up my behind. So what did it take to get the gig here going? A young cable tech, female of course, damn good looking too, that knew her stuff. Put in the right modem, not only did the internet come to life in the way it ought too, but so did the phone. Now that works. But that other tech should have to pay my first months bill because his not knowing cost me $1,000.00 in lost revenue. But at least I did get $20.00 off the bill. But the stupid does not stop there.

I have always said this and it don’t matter what end of it there is or the administration, its been this since at least the industrial revolution, no part of State, nor Federal Government knows what other parts of it is doing. Many want to blame Obamabeenlyin, Others want to blame their governors. The fact is the guy at the gavel is only one person. There are way too many chiefs not enough Indians. Just like I said on air, I thought when Dan and I went to SSA that, that was done. Apparently not, so again I have to go up there and give another federal idiotic employee an attitude adjustment. Thing is by now this ought to convince someone there that I’m competent enough to handle my own stuff and maybe do that. Don’t hold your breath , but it would be a good thing if that happened. Then I could live where I want to, move when I want to, pay my bills on time, and live again for the next 55 years or so.

Any mile so I can rise to that occasion, I’ll catch you on the bounce around. Stay tuned this is going to be a bumpy ride.



Quote of the Day:
Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
--Josh Billings
Galatians 5:22-23“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

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