Friday, March 28, 2014

I’m not a Liberal, nor am I a Conservative, I am a Confederate Rebel American.


I just love those talk show hosts that due to some need for comparison or some measure of competition or whatever it is must try to do as I do.

Recently a dear friend as well as competitive anchor of the Zeb Bell show on Idaho’s KBAR Burley was jumping all over those that have to suffer under the gun of surviving waiting for a Government Check and going to the food bank for cheese. First there ain’t no more cheese, and second to get anything good at the Food Bank one needs to be a Mexican female barely able to speak English with 4 kids going to public supported schools to get anything from the food bank. However for some of us this condition was not and is not our fault. Fact is if every single person that owes me and my family in the Magic Valley paid us the loans and gifts back , I could tell SSA thanks, as well as now Utah’s people thanks for subsidized food. Add to that just in broadcasting , has anyone including Zeb himself helped to open a door, or done a favor, by giving someone the ability to albeit low paying, but given the ability to earn their own in the radio studio? Or some other media task? Has his friend and someone I thought was one of mine, Kim Lee said hey , tell you what for old time sake I have an open slot , I’ll either give you some air time to help you launch your gig, or hey I need a board person, to punch buttons and produce ads on any of his many stations? When I attempted to bury the axe with Chris Pruett of KMVT , instead of him putting up a guard fence and saying stay out, considering his numerous openings did he say ever, hey I have a open job want to give it a whirl? Nope. Beyond that, my cousin in his mind though he was doing right in placing some 25 million in an annuity with some scallywags in Washington State called Metropolitan Securities, a unit of Met Life. That whose executives got caught with their fingers in the till, or candy jar, a big investigation by the SEC was put in gear, after the unit fell, and thousands if not millions of people got their ass’ hung out to dry. First they are paying the lowest amounts owed to investors and they say eventually we’ll see ours, but it was that or I starved. So Bud my cousin got me in SSA and at least my head is covered and most nights I eat. But too, its not that I have not tried to dig out from being a floater of SSA as Zeb put it. I have tried and am just marginally seeing some level of success, but I had to move again , back out of Idaho to do it. Certainly Zeb, Kim Lee , those in broadcasting and all so many except for one, have yet to give me a call, and say hey I know your good in a tow truck, a good shadetree mechanic, how about we give you a real job. All but two I should say have ignored me. One being Charlie at A1 and driving was sparadoc , and the other at least fixing my trucks at a reduced price, but none have said, need a job , I have one for you, using those skills. NO ONE!!! Yet when Marion Pugmire then CEO Cady Auto in Hagerman was about to go under in the mid 70’s , it was MY parents My Dad and mom, who invested in them, to get them to higher financial ground, did the come to me and say hey Pat want a job? When Anderson/Nafziger Farms near Tuttle was about to hit the skids, it was my Dad and Mom who lifted them up money wise. When one of their employees Mel Shirley whose family including friend Dan, needed some cash to construct a ultra modern pig farm just outside Wendell needed a loan that no one else would do on the conditions that was carved out, it was MY mom through and because of MY recommendation that , that loan was approved and money dispensed. Hell my trucks should be free for that favor years ago, that kept a roof over Dan and his sisters head. But at least Dan is meeting me half way by reducing the fix it bill , but I’m getting off topic here. The bottom line is, that I grant you there are all too many who mooch off of the Government, but then there are those of us , because all too many of those with all too much so called pride that owe me and my family so much money that if we went collecting would bankrupt the whole damn area in and surrounding Twin Falls. Even those who think that the land that was that of the old Ponderosa of Burley. If we rather I squeezed hard, From the new Denny’s in Burley to the Maverik there, would have to be paying up some serious cash, as everyone from the original sale would be having to cough up some serious money. I looked at some paper work the other day here, that cousin Bud has in files. Do you realize that the money owed to me from those who bummed off of my parents and indirectly me, was in the $300,000,000.00 range? Plus a few from one County assessor in Gooding, a real estate agency owner in Hagerman along with a few more Idaho politicians that would go to jail, due to embezzlement. Whose money? MY MONEY!! So Zeb when you start bellering like those old cows you used to rope and that bull you throw, about those of us needing that Government check do not try to make it on our own, maybe it’s the damn cowboy northern yankee carpetbaggers that have raped some of us and the only way we survive is on that $721.00 a month and that in Idaho $40.00 state money and a whopping $185.00 a month SNAP(Food stamps). We’d like to be on our own, but hey you who have it all, might throw us a job, or at least not block our way as we try to make our way.

In closing, I’m not a liberal, I’m not conservative , I am a Confederate Rebel American fighting a very corrupt system that has been ran by both Republican and Democrat crooked Yankees, from Appomattox , and Abe Lincoln to right now. At least my radio show is willing to stand up and tell the truth, even if I might be cut off from those Government funds. Are you willing to make that sacrifice Zeb?


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Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

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