Sunday, March 30, 2014

Grab it fast or YouTube will take it away


You just know there are days when you just should stay in bed.

Yesterday was the shits. Devin came over yesterday, delivered my SSA money early, that’s never happened before. I used to have to wait until the 5th of the month following. So thinking all good, took to SKOAL, food and fuel. The SKOAL and fuel okay, but hey the damn bolt that retains tension on the alternator and power steering on the old General, decided to give up. So thankfully near a Home Depot, got enough together to get the thing to the house, but the car is not worth calling the General Jackson, I’m half tempted to tell Charlie, come and get the damn thing. So have to walk to 7/11 get a bus ticket and go get Wolf-Pup. So a few bills are going to have to be put off a bit. Damn it all to hell.

So then was going over my tunes on YouTube, one by one, those that I treasured are going the way of being pulled by YouTube due to the copyright censors. So YouTube says. I’ll bet its more like the good tunes are being moved to a paid YouTube service. Bottom line if you have anything still available on your YouTube Playlists, best get em , or they’ll not be there tomorrow. Maybe even in a minute. Dig this, after rummaging around in my mind remembered a tune I wanted to air the other night. FunkyTown by Lipps. So found it, saved it in a playlist and in 4 minutes it was being blanked.

I still say there ought to be a YouTube for the average musicphile or consumer, and one for Radio and broadcasters, who pay dearly for rights to content. This would be a good thing as Martha Stuart used to say.

Oh how they forget. Looked up KCPX online caught two old air checks from Skinny, so searched for tracks from rival station KNAK. Nothing. Time to start digging, but can’t dig too much as I’m transportation challenged right now, but, hey after today Wolf-Pup will be here. As old and decrepit as some said and calling it a POS, Wolf-Pup , still gets there. Glad I didn’t smunch Wolf-Pup as Charlie wanted or I’d be sol.

From what I hear , Ricky is about to jump ship from Charlie. That injury he had a week or two ago, took Ricky out of the action. Charlie is just now feeling the ripple effect. Watch the mighty fall. But it’s like years ago, Twin Falls Body & Paint was the king of towing in the valley, they fell due to mismanagement on purpose of tax revenue, gone. Yet through it all, one stands, Highway Hooker Toewing of Idaho/Utah aka, Cooter’s A1 Toewing. Now who YOU going to call?


wynged sigctrs wings down

Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981
Isaiah 53:3-4“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.”

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