Thursday, March 27, 2014

Music store anyone? YouTube deleting songs due to legal, buy it its yours

XD COVER 2AyreBreefs

So you go online, surf to YouTube, but all that music you saved in a play list is gone. While there is much you can’t find elsewhere, the day is here when the old music store may get popular again.

YouTube, a product of Google used to ignore copyright laws. Then enough artists and production houses from Capitol to Sony, started making cases, and you rapidly find your favorite songs get ripped out, but you have to wade through those ads. Nothing breaks up a love connection under music, than to have your groovin love song on than the transition to another interrupted by a stupid commercial. If I wanted commercials I’d watch TV. I know the ads make YouTube remain free for use, but dog my cat, if YouTube wont keep my selections on MY playlists, then dang it, pull the blooming ads.

Of course YouTube has undergone several makeovers in the past year or two. Editing your playlists used to be easy. Once upon a time it was drop and drag, not any more.

So what does a real music lover do? ITunes, and the like. Forget LastFM, they will no longer be offering selections or for that matter supporting the service. Granted its no longer the old days when you trucked to the record store to snag the latest 45 or LP, as much of recorded music is CD’s. Although I’m seeing a slight uptick, of LP Vinyl sales, and turn tables are making a come back. While the slight scratch or pop, on an LP still that pop, made the song warmer to the soul somehow. But I do see with the economy still in decline, identity theft from mined credit card purchases on ITunes etc, the migration back to the brick and mortar music store is increasing. You walk in, find what you want, or order it, and it’s YOURS, no one can take it from you anymore.

Then as I close and I’ll put this one in. There’s a grand exit salute to his squadron by actor Robert Conrad that played Pappy Boyington on the hit TV series BaBa BlackSheep. Before I subscribed less that a week or two prior to making the move here to Utah and signing up with Comcast, which is the parent of both Universal Pictures and NBC, I could always count on that video. Once I signed with Comcast, can’t get that at all. YouTube? No, you can snag it if your on another carrier, Comcast? Nope , blocked. What both Comcast, and or YouTube ought to do, is do up a YouTube for broadcasters. You show your union permissions and payments, although , terrestrial radio has no royalty threats, but you show your credentials and you can play what YOU want to play off of YouTube. There ought to be Internet especially for broadcasters as well.

Maybe the club needs to open a music store.

Stay tuned.


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

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