Now its getting serious, the move is on, pending some money transfers. Sent Laura, a email, telling her I’ll be off line today or within the next day or so, pending the unhook and crate up the radio gear, prepping for the move. Course next week its all move em on out.
So I hope Laura will stay in our corner and have everything ready to be signed and all, so near the 15th of March we’re back online.
Okay then , here’s some things that have reared their ugly heads. The assumption by many that think I think, that going from Idaho to Utah is going to be for finding buried treasure or at least a Pandora’s box ready to be opened. Fact is I know fully and all to well even in Utah we have those both in and out of towing that don’t like us as a company or the club. It’s a fact of life. Just like there are Bully’s everywhere and all ages. The fact that one even commented on the bitmap art I do on the body of LexiBelle, I’ll admit I do fill in some bad body work in real life with some concept art on bit map, but fact is sweet Lexi is in the body shop getting her new face put on and makeover completed. Even so the fact that two real assholes had to weasel in to a site that is for us that love old tow trucks, and got off, when all I asked was, is there anybody there that knew or had a pair of dolly pans for the old Holmes SpeedKing Dollies .
Did I deserve how I was treated? No, but I keep a screen shot of such things, and a keen memory, let them need us, or worse yet try to apply for membership wont happen. Thing is beit club, or company few have been able to do what we in this club does, and the fact that to date except for preference calls, we have most of Morgan canyon, and Echo Junction, to the Wyoming border, as well as Evanston/Uinta County Wyoming. That means when the 3sisters pass snows in, guess who gets called? Us, that’s whom. That might have a slight base for some bad feelings, for us, by the rest of some of Utah’s pro tow bunch. But here’s this too. The two reasons I’m moving to Utah is not, let me repeat NOT TO GO TOEW its first to establish the HQ of Confederate Steele Media, which includes HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio, and the second is to go take the classes I need to qualify to go to Upper Limit Aviation next May to get my helicopter flying certificate, so I can resurrect AyreWolf Aviation. If the same resources both human and others including have a person like Laura who works for business services for Comcast, hey fellow members and friends if you want someone that will hit the ball out of the park, for your business internets needs, she’s the one to ask for there at Comcast. But getting back on the road here. If the same resources were available for the same costs as Utah, has do you think I’d be moving me , the company and all? No way, I’d sit tight. But fact is when your paying $75.00 a month, for an Internet connection that gives you maybe if your lucky 2 mbps, up, and if your really blessed 2-.01 mbps, down, and two if I could find a service shop, and all for the same price, more over an office for a studio for CSM I’d be all over it. Plus having talent agencies out the front and back door, so we can snag on screen eye candy, likewise onair radio personalities, I’d curl up right here. But there isn’t and so it goes.
Any mile, if I can get online this afternoon , I’ll define a few things. If not understand I’m available by phone 208-212-9653 .
See you near the 15th of March.
Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Romans 8:38-39“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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