Monday, February 17, 2014



MORNING JAVAIt’s Monday although it’s a Federal holiday honoring America’s first Presidents. Thing is I think and feel rather put off that one President left off the list; 5708901_origPresident Jefferson Davis, of The Confederate States of America. Now granted his birthday is not in February, the beginning of his Presidency is in February. More over how about Stonewall Jacksons birthday or Robert E Lee’s birthday?

I get the same feeling on such holidays when no mention is made or a national day of remembrance  is never made for the Confederate States Memorial Day, or how about the CSA’s Veterans Day?

Naw its always about the blooming Yankee’s. If we’re to have Federal holidays , lets honor a few of America’s real best.

Okay then, in looking for some graphics stumbled upon, a few things and it relates to a side conference last night of this smooching toes to go with tow as toews.

First the fashion. Let’s face it guys its only we male corpuscles that like em. Legs to us fully bare with the prickly hair stubbles is not a great look. Many of us would just as soon mess with ourselves rather than feel bare legs under us, or on top of us.

To put it bluntly at least for me, goes like this:DATORAMAits just that simple. For women who can’t figure this out, let me put it in gearheaded terms, if you see a toew truck or any truck, in plain Jane wheels, that has a great paint job and flawless body, its looked at, but not with as much admiration. On the same road here, that same truck dressed in chrome wheels>alexi wheel sort ofthe truck just looks better and a bit sassier than it does stock. Same goes with women . A guy would rather look and feel and nuzzle a gal in nylons , than a lady without.

To winch that in yes the toe search is back on, but wont be out until June. Details in a month or so.

Finally; have you ever noticed that FoX & Friends get’s many of its hot headlines from Yahoo? or at least the Trending headlines of of Yahoo?

More in the PM.


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Quote of the Day:
Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult.
--William Somerset Maugham
Romans 8:35,37“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

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