Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Past two years in review, pee-ewe.


In the fall of 2012, I was at a crisis crossing. After living in my shop, no shower, hardly a latrine, and mice, due to a stupid young woman in Blackfoot Idaho that could not hardly manage her own affairs much less hundreds, but she was in charge of my SSI funds after my cousin, Bud, succumbed to conditions resulting from diabetes. So I had a choice keep trying to put up with absolute stupid or give the task to Charlie at A1 and move to Twin Falls. Giving up the shop in Burley, and all I knew that for a time to go toew was to be put on hiatus, and with my physical condition that precluded my ability to fly I turned to the one skill I do very well, Radio and producing. So move I did. So I moved. Knowing that being able to be live on air 24/7/365 was near impossible for just one person namely me, I started searching for on air talent. So up went a few ads on CraigsList, and a few showed up. Apparently one or two of these people were friends of Charlie’s better half Jenn. So as usual Jenn made a fuss over the concept. Now having intern trainee’s for a trial period, is nothing new, whether its broadcasting or toewing. But Jenn say’s not in our place. Understand that in 2010 or so when living in Buhl, and a bunch of wrangling, we as a club had secured a facility there in Buhl at $125.00 a month, but Jenn was determined to kill HazzardAyre, whether out of spite, pride or both. She could not somehow connect the dots, between this>pantyhose-300x336 and this>Lexi in green to Jenn it was just a quick feel, or something worse sinister. Problem in by doing so, she pretty much soiled the barrel and poisoned the WELL.  You see this>Lexi in greenis spelled TOW, while this>pantyhose-300x336is spelled TOE, if you scrunch the words together its spelled toew. Now we are not the first to combine the idea, PhooteNotes , which was bought in part by T.r. FootNotes has put the terms together foot for well foot or feet that is the base of toes or tows. We just kind of added some spice and all to the idea.

But Jenn, Charlie’s wife and quite a few others never made the connection. Course we weren’t able to cultivate that concept long and deep enough, to allow that crop to be harvested.  All along I have been determined to keep tilling the soil, here. With me being diagnosed with medium strength type 2 diabetes, knowing my ability to go toew on a constant basis was pretty much done for. I have seen many who have gotten to this point. Phil of Phil's Interstate Towing Bountiful, Jim of Jim’s Auto Body And Towing Buhl. But I am determined to remain the radio voice of this toewing industry and making sure that like me or not, friend with me or not , but this industry, including its pioneers will be preserved. That is the focus of what I do here online, on air. But how do you get that across to the public?

That in my next entry, but it has been this underlying hatred of Jenn at A1, that was a force behind the move groove concept. Out of sight out of mind.

Now the real tipper? Back a few months ago, Ricky invited me to go with him, to Vernal Utah hauling some big mammoth Cat tractor. So we went, going down we didn’t chat much, but coming back I was amazed at how much growth there was in even out lying Utah.I mentioned that it was amazing here, Rick replied , why don’t you move here? You really have nothing going in Idaho, much less Twin Falls, so I started investigating. Finding property much less in cost per month with much more to offer, and if your looking to doing something in broadcasting or media its Utah not Idaho. Ever hear of a Idaho Sundance Film Festival? Ever hear of anything like that

especially  in Twin Falls? But you see it daily on TV.

The two nails in the coffin of Idaho, was a power bill for $235.00 a month ago, now nearly $500.00 , as well as last month at the end I even considered although not applied, but considered retail theft just to eat.

Look I love Charlie like a brother. There is little if anything I wouldn’t do for him, as well as A1, I just wish Jenn Charlie’s wife would have stayed out of the mix of HazzardAyre and allowed it to blossom.

Trucks, bikes and hot women, in my next entry.



Quote of the Day:
We are always getting ready to live, but never living.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
1 John 4:11-12“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

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all I do


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