Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cold war Over? Did you really believe that. Only solution, the CSA!!

NYTE MOVESHazzardAyre KnyteCyde Hedder


Old Ronny Raygun might have torn the wall down, but like the Brits, the damn Ruskies have kept coming. Now good old Obama, fixin to start a major scrap, with a power damn near as potent as we are froze a Russian bank today. That’s right put em on the do not call list of banks that America will deal with. Kicks the crap out of foreign trade. Russian grain and livestock buys. Farmers are going to be screaming, and that’s not all. This time we have the Internet, no more duck and cover under our grade school desks to shield ourselves from flying missiles. While we were pulling ours out of the ground, Russia has been putting or should I say Putin em back in, and spreading em out. Did you really trust the damn Ruskies? Guess Obamabeenlyin decided since we didn’t have anybody to fight with in Afghanistan , might as well pick it with the Ruskies. Oh the Ruskies are not innocent here, they sided and created the mess in the Ukraine, but a fight is on the charts now.

Our nation sad to say is in one big , and I mean big mess. We’ve got leaders in places where some ought not be. And the wrong ones. Its not Democrat or Republican anymore its both ganging up on the American people, the problem is most are too damn stuck up and arrogant to pick up a publication like the Copperhead Chronicle, Or the Hazzard Journal. More over they reluctantly if they are not of our usual fans, don’t want to hear the truth. Its not just about the Civy war, its about everything since and now. Already there is noise in the CSA of a succession from the Union, of those states of the west Colorado, Utah, Idaho , Arizona , New Mexico, and Nevada are already getting on board. Caucus’ are being assembled. This is not something you’ll hear Rush, or Hannity, barking about. FoX News Channel ignores it, and even CNN, which is based in Atlanta, (that damn place ain’t been right since Sherman burned it) but America is gearing up to say, Obamabeenlyin too long , America is savable, and the force to save it is God, and Gods arm is the Confederate States-of-America. The western force of the CSA, is and always has been the Knytes-of-Anarchy, out of anarchy comes order.  But there is a need to get this in front of Americans. Especially the major news channels, and even this election year. Do you know there are people who do not know there is a CSA Party they can vote on and elect someone, that is 100% Confederate even in the west? The party aka as the Confederate National Party was approved and brought to life in 2008. By whom? The Knytes-of-Anarchy. Through Stephen Monk, President of the Knytes then and advisor today. Lobbying parties took place at the steps of Idaho’s and Utah’s capitol steps. The movement was approved by both Governors hammers.

But how do we bring new people to knowledge? Get enough chatter on news channels like FNC, CNN, CNBC etc. How do you do that? Line pockets, that’s done by serious advertising. And what better way, advertise the nations number one voice of the southern movement. If your satisfied with our inspiration Dixie Broadcasting . com, fine stay there, and just try to log onto Redneck Site is phony. HazzardAyre has two definitions, HazzardAyre Radio is the Facebook to online and on demand radio. More over , HazzardAyre, is and the Dukes of Hazzard on steroids.

Now one can say, many of you have. Why don’t I do it, be in front of a camera howling about HazzardAyre. I do when I can, but get some hot honeys with hotter legs in stockings and skirts, in the studio, by a bike etc, talking about why folks ought to tune into HazzardAyre online and on the upcoming Hazzard County XM/Sirius channel, put that on FNC, etc, and you know not only the locals , because they always follow what’s going nationwide, and two, all those hosts like Rush, Hannity, and others will be barking CSA/CNP.

So that’s reason number 1 we are pushing to find our model talent. Of course having one on the cover of the website will be groovy, and of course bringing up the rear, as always. finding one with a mind that is open enough to go with the program of bringing this>pantyhose-300x336together with this>Lexi in greenthat is

IJUSTLOVETOEWSThat together means we here at Dixie Toewing Luvs Toews. Its amalgamations of the words toe and tow. Hazzard County Choppers, and ultimately AyreWolf Aviation, but that’s next year, gearing up for the Presidential run. But thing is now is the time, that’s why I’m scouting every talent firm with a mind not spooked of Deseret Broadcasting, to find the talent we need.

Now then, two other projects, on the boards. One: HazzardAyre, the movie, the beginnings of us, the Dukes and how it all became the serious operation it is. Some of it is my movie auto bio, some the clubs. A lot of southern heritage history will be told and flash back segments. We’ll be casting for that mid August. Last but not least is the AyreWolvez our brother groups military aviation show next year out at Tooele. We’ll be casting for ads, as well as demo models for that in July.

And of course to round that out, is the Hazzard Nationals/DukesFest 2016 in Tooele at Miller SpeedPark there. We’ll be looking for talent for that as well. There’s more, but for Star  that thought they were too busy, (more like stuck up) for our projects, any budding or talent jobs slow agency, ours is a thing they can get a grip on, now lets see if they bite. I like two out of KnightStar that really has me in orbit. One I’d like to run up as a main, then Urban Talent has one named Emily, that has me wrapped around my finger. My question though and there’s many here. Why have these agencies ignored the Latino community? I have seen some Latino/Mexican gals that’d make your shorts wet at first glance? No not quite Selena Gomez quality, but darn near it.

Any mile, gotta get back on air, but dig this; if you thought that Obamabeenlyin is going to exit quietly, I have news for you, plus he may not leave at all. If he starts enough of a fight somewhere, he can’t be voted out, as the Constitution says, can’t unseat a sitting President during a war. but the CSA/CNP are surly going to try.


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Quote of the Day:
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
--Hans Christian Andersen
Ephesians 6:10-11“[The Armor of God] Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

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