Monday, March 31, 2014

Ryders Blues Sunday was a Monday

Ryders Blues Hedder

First to Greyhound. You wonder why your passenger volume is down? It’s because you make it so damn hard to get a ticket. First your help line is closed on Sunday, so no getting a booking card approved. Second even moderate ticket windows and terminals such as Ogden Utah’s is closed on Sunday, third if your going to farm reservation and bookings to a second party such as the 7-11 stores, first set up a printer and a better system. Such was yesterday. Went to pay CASH$ for a ticket at 7-11, but no paper work so couldn’t book there. My printer is in Idaho, so couldn’t use that, so thinking I could just wait until the 1:15 bus to come in, and buy a ticket through the driver, which your Mexican call center kid said I could, no bus. How about putting a sign in the window that reports arrival and delay times. Kind of like the airports have. But no, I have to sit there like a bump on a rock, in the wet and cold, catching a chill. Nope they can’t do that. Hey Greyhound fix these problems and you’ll have more people going Greyhound.

In between that went to breakfast at Karen’s Old West Café here in Ogden, one hot cake, coffee. Then in pouring rain hoofed over to the bus place and waited until 1:18 PM. There’s no reason for that. Granted having an inside open terminal there might be a stretch, but hey UTA passengers could use a warm place to wait too.  So then walked back home here readying myself to do that again today, with bone change the ticket counter will be open and too the terminal.

So on my way back home in the rain/snow mix, I had to poop/piss something fierce so strolled into this joint called the Summit on 24rth street. As I did so, first finding the public latrine was challenging, since there is a fish grill there, guess not open as well on Sunday. Of course dummy I thought, nothing is open on Sunday in Utah or at least Ogden, too many going to church. So went in the Summit, and did a full blown unload. Bet the person cleaning will remember. Then asked a gal at what looked as the front desk, if I could use the phone book, okay OLD phone book, but could I use the phone since my cell died? Nope. Which lends me to thinking, there are numerous mouse traps here that could be bettered. Example Karen’s Café, on Sunday, filled to the brink. Most likely church goers snagging breakfast after meeting. Even Karen’s old and I mean really old man was helping. In a city of 70,000 you would think that there’d be somewhere else in town with home cooked grub , near that bus depot, wouldn’t you? An idea is breeding. Just amazing. Even if you only opened on the weekends, for such rush’s you could make rent or building payments easily. Not talking Boar’s Nest, but maybe Boss Hogg’s Café ?

Next, and I’ll keep this brief , if your wondering why I am in such a tizzy over fetching Wolf-Pup, first it is Wolf-Pup, second and it really does not deserve the name, but General JaXson, Saturday, in the process of passing another car, snapped the retaining tensioning bolt broke. I might have not noticed this except no power steering. Fortunately the belt and all stayed in place and was three blocks from a Home Depot. After wrestling with the damn thing, and buying tools and bolts and nuts and all. Car still runs erratic, wont idle. So it sits. I am sure I can fix it all, but seems I’m going to be throwing a bunch of money in a real clunker. Talking to Charlie, get title, and junk it. Oh well, no more payments, if he wants to repo it, I say have at it.

Bottom line I need my trike as well. Working at restoring HCC deets, this evening.


wynged sigNEW HCC WYNGZ

Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Isaiah 53:5-6“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
tail 1

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Grab it fast or YouTube will take it away


You just know there are days when you just should stay in bed.

Yesterday was the shits. Devin came over yesterday, delivered my SSA money early, that’s never happened before. I used to have to wait until the 5th of the month following. So thinking all good, took to SKOAL, food and fuel. The SKOAL and fuel okay, but hey the damn bolt that retains tension on the alternator and power steering on the old General, decided to give up. So thankfully near a Home Depot, got enough together to get the thing to the house, but the car is not worth calling the General Jackson, I’m half tempted to tell Charlie, come and get the damn thing. So have to walk to 7/11 get a bus ticket and go get Wolf-Pup. So a few bills are going to have to be put off a bit. Damn it all to hell.

So then was going over my tunes on YouTube, one by one, those that I treasured are going the way of being pulled by YouTube due to the copyright censors. So YouTube says. I’ll bet its more like the good tunes are being moved to a paid YouTube service. Bottom line if you have anything still available on your YouTube Playlists, best get em , or they’ll not be there tomorrow. Maybe even in a minute. Dig this, after rummaging around in my mind remembered a tune I wanted to air the other night. FunkyTown by Lipps. So found it, saved it in a playlist and in 4 minutes it was being blanked.

I still say there ought to be a YouTube for the average musicphile or consumer, and one for Radio and broadcasters, who pay dearly for rights to content. This would be a good thing as Martha Stuart used to say.

Oh how they forget. Looked up KCPX online caught two old air checks from Skinny, so searched for tracks from rival station KNAK. Nothing. Time to start digging, but can’t dig too much as I’m transportation challenged right now, but, hey after today Wolf-Pup will be here. As old and decrepit as some said and calling it a POS, Wolf-Pup , still gets there. Glad I didn’t smunch Wolf-Pup as Charlie wanted or I’d be sol.

From what I hear , Ricky is about to jump ship from Charlie. That injury he had a week or two ago, took Ricky out of the action. Charlie is just now feeling the ripple effect. Watch the mighty fall. But it’s like years ago, Twin Falls Body & Paint was the king of towing in the valley, they fell due to mismanagement on purpose of tax revenue, gone. Yet through it all, one stands, Highway Hooker Toewing of Idaho/Utah aka, Cooter’s A1 Toewing. Now who YOU going to call?


wynged sigctrs wings down

Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981
Isaiah 53:3-4“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

NEW DASH COOTERS pleasent view tail


Friday, March 28, 2014

I’m not a Liberal, nor am I a Conservative, I am a Confederate Rebel American.


I just love those talk show hosts that due to some need for comparison or some measure of competition or whatever it is must try to do as I do.

Recently a dear friend as well as competitive anchor of the Zeb Bell show on Idaho’s KBAR Burley was jumping all over those that have to suffer under the gun of surviving waiting for a Government Check and going to the food bank for cheese. First there ain’t no more cheese, and second to get anything good at the Food Bank one needs to be a Mexican female barely able to speak English with 4 kids going to public supported schools to get anything from the food bank. However for some of us this condition was not and is not our fault. Fact is if every single person that owes me and my family in the Magic Valley paid us the loans and gifts back , I could tell SSA thanks, as well as now Utah’s people thanks for subsidized food. Add to that just in broadcasting , has anyone including Zeb himself helped to open a door, or done a favor, by giving someone the ability to albeit low paying, but given the ability to earn their own in the radio studio? Or some other media task? Has his friend and someone I thought was one of mine, Kim Lee said hey , tell you what for old time sake I have an open slot , I’ll either give you some air time to help you launch your gig, or hey I need a board person, to punch buttons and produce ads on any of his many stations? When I attempted to bury the axe with Chris Pruett of KMVT , instead of him putting up a guard fence and saying stay out, considering his numerous openings did he say ever, hey I have a open job want to give it a whirl? Nope. Beyond that, my cousin in his mind though he was doing right in placing some 25 million in an annuity with some scallywags in Washington State called Metropolitan Securities, a unit of Met Life. That whose executives got caught with their fingers in the till, or candy jar, a big investigation by the SEC was put in gear, after the unit fell, and thousands if not millions of people got their ass’ hung out to dry. First they are paying the lowest amounts owed to investors and they say eventually we’ll see ours, but it was that or I starved. So Bud my cousin got me in SSA and at least my head is covered and most nights I eat. But too, its not that I have not tried to dig out from being a floater of SSA as Zeb put it. I have tried and am just marginally seeing some level of success, but I had to move again , back out of Idaho to do it. Certainly Zeb, Kim Lee , those in broadcasting and all so many except for one, have yet to give me a call, and say hey I know your good in a tow truck, a good shadetree mechanic, how about we give you a real job. All but two I should say have ignored me. One being Charlie at A1 and driving was sparadoc , and the other at least fixing my trucks at a reduced price, but none have said, need a job , I have one for you, using those skills. NO ONE!!! Yet when Marion Pugmire then CEO Cady Auto in Hagerman was about to go under in the mid 70’s , it was MY parents My Dad and mom, who invested in them, to get them to higher financial ground, did the come to me and say hey Pat want a job? When Anderson/Nafziger Farms near Tuttle was about to hit the skids, it was my Dad and Mom who lifted them up money wise. When one of their employees Mel Shirley whose family including friend Dan, needed some cash to construct a ultra modern pig farm just outside Wendell needed a loan that no one else would do on the conditions that was carved out, it was MY mom through and because of MY recommendation that , that loan was approved and money dispensed. Hell my trucks should be free for that favor years ago, that kept a roof over Dan and his sisters head. But at least Dan is meeting me half way by reducing the fix it bill , but I’m getting off topic here. The bottom line is, that I grant you there are all too many who mooch off of the Government, but then there are those of us , because all too many of those with all too much so called pride that owe me and my family so much money that if we went collecting would bankrupt the whole damn area in and surrounding Twin Falls. Even those who think that the land that was that of the old Ponderosa of Burley. If we rather I squeezed hard, From the new Denny’s in Burley to the Maverik there, would have to be paying up some serious cash, as everyone from the original sale would be having to cough up some serious money. I looked at some paper work the other day here, that cousin Bud has in files. Do you realize that the money owed to me from those who bummed off of my parents and indirectly me, was in the $300,000,000.00 range? Plus a few from one County assessor in Gooding, a real estate agency owner in Hagerman along with a few more Idaho politicians that would go to jail, due to embezzlement. Whose money? MY MONEY!! So Zeb when you start bellering like those old cows you used to rope and that bull you throw, about those of us needing that Government check do not try to make it on our own, maybe it’s the damn cowboy northern yankee carpetbaggers that have raped some of us and the only way we survive is on that $721.00 a month and that in Idaho $40.00 state money and a whopping $185.00 a month SNAP(Food stamps). We’d like to be on our own, but hey you who have it all, might throw us a job, or at least not block our way as we try to make our way.

In closing, I’m not a liberal, I’m not conservative , I am a Confederate Rebel American fighting a very corrupt system that has been ran by both Republican and Democrat crooked Yankees, from Appomattox , and Abe Lincoln to right now. At least my radio show is willing to stand up and tell the truth, even if I might be cut off from those Government funds. Are you willing to make that sacrifice Zeb?


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

imagesCAUZLO4Z my toew tag

TV AD POSTERpleasent view tail

A new A1 and Metro Utah loosing its glimmer as a place to go


I just got done watching this movie called Teeth, on HBO. talk about spooky. The film is about this okay looking long haired blonde that has teeth inside her vulva. Where  after and during sex her puss up and bites off the guys joint. Strange. I still say and even that is getting stale, but the only safe and stable TV on late at night or at least for us who can’t sleep through the night, but only TV on overnight worth watching is the Disney Channel. Oh sure you can order and get HBO Starz etc, but they do not show anything worth a dang, overnight unless it’s a ratings sweep and even then its border line. I’m getting to a point here and no pun intended here, bare with me.

So saw on my Facebook Trending’s list that Fleetwood Mac is going to do a concert tour. However no stops in Boise or Salt Lake City.  Which brings up the question and I’m pretty sure I am understanding the reason, but the main reason that Utah’s rental rates fell far below even Idaho’s is that Utah’s jewels are beginning to tarnish. In essence for all that’s here, outside of office, shop or housing expenses, every other thing is so damn expensive, it’s like living in a resort community. When SKOAL cost’s damn near $10.00 when Idaho’s most expensive is $6.50 and much less in stores other than Maverick Country Stores in Idaho any way.

Milk at Wal-Mart nearly $3.00 a gallon, putting a roof over your head or your truck in a shop not so much money, buying everyday things, pricing is out of this stratosphere. Beverly Hills California is less in cost, but here is what we’re doing to move that back around to some assemblence of reason.

Although my time in Twin Falls was not so well consumed, my involvement even as short and at the level I was, with Charlie Legg and A1 was one of the best happenings in my life. Sure Jenn and I did not get along very well , but looking back all she was doing was protecting me from female sharks.  Charlie did his best, avoiding certain things so I’d have a little pocket change and could at least pay my important expenses, cell phone and internet/tv.

But in bringing to the level it deserves HazzardAyre, and to lean out some other expenses in Idaho, I started looking into Utah . The smart thing in recollection would have been lease office/studio, come down do the radio gig, try Utah on for size , then completely relocate, maybe this fall closer to getting into Upper Limit however I got tied up with a $100.00 Sherry that wanted my left nut and more over a piece of radio gear. So here I am.

So getting on here, in tribute to Charlie and the mighty A1 Towing and repair of Twin Falls, I’ll be opening Cooter’s A1 Toewing of Utah and Wyoming. Not as a copy or duplicate as mine will be ran in the spirit of Dixie Toewing, but thought I’d give credit to and tribute to Charlie, by running mine as a distant cousin , if you will, of my own as Cooter’s A1 Toewing of Utah enough said.

Now lets move onto the polishing of the crown jewels of Utah.

Just like Idaho, Utah needs a kick in its complacency. While there is a lot here, SMB(Small Medium Business’s) can’t afford to play in this environment. As such even cooter’s A1 will be built in Evanston Wyoming and extended as we can.

On the media department, there are some medium duty talent agencies, although outside of two McCarty’s and Urban Talent the rest are more schools and Bonneville Media(LDS FILMS) repositories. If joining up with a firm, might jeopardizes that LDS relationship, your going to be shown the door. Something our new talent firm is going to correct, and oh by the way, the LDS Church likes what we do.

Any mile, that all being what it is, when producers and film companies come to Utah these days, they bring their own talent. They bring their own contractors for set construction, production and so on. Reason? After the series Touched By an Angel left Utah, they did so leaving quite a few unpaid bills. Likewise, while the welcome mat may be out for film and TV productions in Utah you still have to wipe your feet before you get in the door, which is a shame.

If one were and I do on a regular basis fly over the state of Utah, especially the metro areas SLC, Ogden, Layton, Provo, Its all so beautiful. The sun going down over the Great Salt Lake, or the sun rising over the Wasatch Mountains is a sight to be absorbed. Its all great backdrops. Years ago when they still let you, I’d sit on the frontage roads by the Interstate filming by Super 8 quality, but I’d film the trucks going down the big road with the right hues and scenery it was just awe inspiring. One of Confederate Steele’s main goals through our Television and motion picture division is to film and produce episodic as well as great indy films here. To show on HazzardAyre TV, on a thing we will call the Hazzard County Picture Palace. Imagine Santiquin Utah, being transformed into a mid 1860’s southern town doing a historical film on the real works of our Confederate brethren during the great war? Imagine a series, based on both the Dukes-of-Hazzard and Son’s of Anarchy, called Hazzard Knytes? See where I’m going here.

Just like I learned when I moved into Idaho, in 2007, The Magic Valley had moved on. Not changed it was still too constrictive for our operation, but too, considering that from the time I was 3 years old until 8th grade, my life was in Layton, Utah.  My first love was in Layton, yes Peggy Follett, who I have yet to find out what happened to her. Many of the friends even club members still here , but with wives and children. The days of cruizing State in SLC or Washington Blvd in Ogden hunting tail, hitting the A&W , and so on tuned in on KCPX are gone. Or partly gone. The goal is and while secondary, but one of the goals of HazzardAyre and Confederate Steele Media is to attempt to recapture that 1960’s earl 70’s into the crest of the 80’s magic. The ability here to dream, and the Utah we all wanted it to be.

So how do we do that? Work with one established talent agency , as well as in time create our own>KNYTESTAR MODELING BANNERand train potential talent that others said couldn’t , but can. Especially the Espanics here. I have seen many sweet and great looking Mexican girls and women here, but little posting on any talent agency’ talent board. I want these gals. I want them on film as well as on air on HazzardAyre Radio. From voice overs in Spanish, to complete southern culture radio shows hosted by Espanics. Like a show on LowRider rides. Ever seen one without beautiful paint, interiors and chrome? If their buying, our sponsors are selling and we here to bring the two together.

Let’s bring back the concerts, and events. One way we’re looking at doing that is the Hazzard Nationals/DukesFest West set for next fall at the Miller MotorSports Park just outside of Tooele Utah. From Shooter Jennings to Selena Gomez and other artists here for two night gigs, through the full two weeks of the event, more on the HazzardNationals in upcoming blog entries, but this is a way to say to America, Utah is OPEN for Business and open for the arts. However I must report our first location for our temp HQ until our own big center is built was turned down. Which is surprising since and maybe Nate didn’t relate this, but our 250,000 square foot multi purpose media center will need an architect. The building we were looking at renting space from is owned by a architect firm. Maybe Nate should have said lease to theses people, they’ll have you design their big media center?

Can we wash away the decay of Utah completely, of course not, and we can’t cure all economic and social stigmas here, but we can help to move the state forward which ultimately helps the Knytes grow as well.

FYI saw a listing for a place in Preston Idaho. More on that next time.

Time for bed. See you overnight tonight on the radio.


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
1 Timothy 2:5-6“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Music store anyone? YouTube deleting songs due to legal, buy it its yours

XD COVER 2AyreBreefs

So you go online, surf to YouTube, but all that music you saved in a play list is gone. While there is much you can’t find elsewhere, the day is here when the old music store may get popular again.

YouTube, a product of Google used to ignore copyright laws. Then enough artists and production houses from Capitol to Sony, started making cases, and you rapidly find your favorite songs get ripped out, but you have to wade through those ads. Nothing breaks up a love connection under music, than to have your groovin love song on than the transition to another interrupted by a stupid commercial. If I wanted commercials I’d watch TV. I know the ads make YouTube remain free for use, but dog my cat, if YouTube wont keep my selections on MY playlists, then dang it, pull the blooming ads.

Of course YouTube has undergone several makeovers in the past year or two. Editing your playlists used to be easy. Once upon a time it was drop and drag, not any more.

So what does a real music lover do? ITunes, and the like. Forget LastFM, they will no longer be offering selections or for that matter supporting the service. Granted its no longer the old days when you trucked to the record store to snag the latest 45 or LP, as much of recorded music is CD’s. Although I’m seeing a slight uptick, of LP Vinyl sales, and turn tables are making a come back. While the slight scratch or pop, on an LP still that pop, made the song warmer to the soul somehow. But I do see with the economy still in decline, identity theft from mined credit card purchases on ITunes etc, the migration back to the brick and mortar music store is increasing. You walk in, find what you want, or order it, and it’s YOURS, no one can take it from you anymore.

Then as I close and I’ll put this one in. There’s a grand exit salute to his squadron by actor Robert Conrad that played Pappy Boyington on the hit TV series BaBa BlackSheep. Before I subscribed less that a week or two prior to making the move here to Utah and signing up with Comcast, which is the parent of both Universal Pictures and NBC, I could always count on that video. Once I signed with Comcast, can’t get that at all. YouTube? No, you can snag it if your on another carrier, Comcast? Nope , blocked. What both Comcast, and or YouTube ought to do, is do up a YouTube for broadcasters. You show your union permissions and payments, although , terrestrial radio has no royalty threats, but you show your credentials and you can play what YOU want to play off of YouTube. There ought to be Internet especially for broadcasters as well.

Maybe the club needs to open a music store.

Stay tuned.


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

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pleasent view tail

AyreWolf FM is coming along with HazzardAyre or, be the Alpha Wolf ?


Over nyte I decided to do a cyber fly over to take a scan on one of the inspirations that was the base of our revised radio operation. Understand this was back in 2002-1/2 . At the time, I had modified my normal on air handle of AyreWolf to RodeWolf. However I had just discovered the 4 Corsairs at AirPower Unlimited in Jerome, the one half of the club, the AyreWolvez had just been created and while I was doing my gig every night on AFRN courtesy of HAFB’s link, the fact is the need to get aviation radio on the air became somewhat critical, at least historically critical . I discovered the need while conducting a field trip for an area grade school at HAFB’s Air Museum , when I decided during the talk I was giving to throw some 411 in on Marine and Navy aviation. When I unloaded about Pappy Boyington, few had ever heard of Pappy, much worse neither did those running the Museum, of course its Air Force here, but both branches are taught Pappy’s techniques. Any mile I thought its sad. What was getting frustrating was the fact that little information on the 214, or Pappy was online. For whatever the reason for that, I said there’s got to be a fix here.

Shortly after a small bunch of area Marine aviators here in the Davis/Weber County area of Utah and the AyreWolvez had just signed a lease for a café bar up just on the city limits of Morgan Utah. The idea turn it into the real life Sheep’s Pen. So I was living in Layton, and in looking for call letters for the new on air station since a window had opened by the FCC to get a CP/and license, I saw this thing called . The site was all about modified pop and old classic rock music. Little of anything else, but it was a thought. The thing was created by a blind guy in a wheelchair, in a third floor apartment in Nashville. I thought if this guy can do it surly we can. Must be more talented folks in Nashville that knew how to design a streaming website, as try as we might I could not find even one web site designer that had any idea of the ABC’s of the process. Once again frustrated as hell, I called Steve Wolf creator of and said how the hell do you do this? He directed me to an outfit in Oregon called . I made a phone call, they could create the site and stream for $4k. And host it and all for $250.00 a month. So the process began. So I tried to do it from my end, but they just assoon be talking Chinese, I had no idea of what I was doing. Still don’t.

Of course out of that came in 2010 when I brought Dixie Diesel Radio aka Hazzard County Radio, and AyreWolf Warbird Radio, together as HazzardAyre. By the way, still looking for someone on the planet preferably here in the region, that can come here to Ogden Utah, and put the equipment and all the rest of the proper infrastructure together, so we can finally launch in October this year.

However that all is a subject for a different time but relates to the need for the female model stuff so that we can have some great cover shots for the site. That all said, what I saw on my Cyber flyover on was, is still silent except for a bit of pale paste up’s and not much more. My thought is now, if his is sleeping, before it awakes, let’s us as a club, kick some ass, and not only launch one but two streaming sites, and then have them converge at certain time periods, like HazzardAyre Radio. We’ve been kicking this can down the road for nearly 9 years now, its time to fire this byrd up. Which if you want to remember was the ignition of the fyre that brought me from Idaho to Utah. The radio gig is part of it of course, lack of quality internet , the lack of on air talent etc. The basic reason I moved here rather than just doing the office/studio for the radio gig is that I want to get back in the air not just be on the air. With one of if not the finest helicopter aviation schools in the nation, that teaches high mountain flying, Upper Limit Aviation, part of Salt Lake Community College here is my goal. But I have about 75 pounds to loose before I can train there. This means me dieting and all. I found a source for help on that in fact one that will be a talent here on air, but I came here mostly to fly. But since I can’t yet, I have time to spit and polish my toew truck and Wolf-Pup, and mainly get this gall darn radio thing going. I know he didn’t want named, but I wish Eli, would get in touch, (385)a new Utah area code by the flyway –206-8467 . Before the wolf in Nashville wakes up, let’s let the howl(I have my howl copyrighted) be heard, and re-energize AyreWolfFM.


wynged sig wolvez wyngs

Quote of the Day:
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

AVI CLUB LOGOpleasent view tail

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Places forgotten needed things



We finally made it to Thursday. Forgot to give any attention to the weather and of course it rained. So in a need for fuel and moo ventured out in ye ole General JaXson which had a very wet seat. Then as I went in looking like a very poor Confederate into the fuel stop, pulled out the $3.50 in my pocket. But the kid checking inside either gave me a gift or didn’t set the pump. Needless to say I got $5.00 in fuel. I’ll do the right thing in a few days when the money comes in from Uncle , but it was kinda kuel, to bump start a Yankee.

So then cruised over to Wal-Mart, for milk. There is not one bottle in that fridge case any amount under $2.50 . Really? I know I used to bad mouth Tweaker Flatts, but at least in Tweaker Flatts, milk ran $2.15 or less. Seems to me some local price shopping is in need here. Can’t figure out why so much here? Is it higher taxes? Higher rent? Taxes yes, rent? doubt it since we’re only paying $300.00 a month and that’s for the Champaign works. So what’s up with that?

Okay then ; no news from either agency, but Sam at our main talent agency Urban Talent, is working on it. Sam’s having a time getting in touch with our number one choice, but for me its not a deal breaker. As the main idea was a red head.

Saw a movie last night, damn I love HBO, and mile Pure Country2 was on. The main talent on that show has the look we’re looking for, albeit really bony legs. It’s a fact us southern guys like fat calves, and our women are no exception. Some meat on those shins is in. Can’t help it our sweet Daisy here in Hazzard spoiled me. Can’t beat Daisy’s >daisylegs. Other factors there, marshmallow toes, and absolutely have to be wearing nylons. The rest is purtty much optional.

Narrowing down two choices on office/studio which is a must.  As first the Mexicali neighbors, damn can’t I move somewhere low cost that doesn’t have Beaners, in the complex. I’m not wanting or meaning to be racist. Mexican’ have a right to live here under certain conditions name become American. But my landlord calls me up about the NOISE here in my place when I’m on air, thing is their little rug varmints are running over the wooden floor all day, nearly all night. Reasoning the landlord says, “well they pay more rent” tough cookies.  Rules are rules, although bent a bit here and there, but damn the noise factor should be equal, so yes we are in a rush to get the studio/office. Fact is as soon as I get this payee SSA shit in my hands, its adios to this crap house.

Now some might say well what about SLC ? That’d be fine. But the only place to legally license a radio station to at least terrestrial radio, is Woodruff, Utah. Which lies between Evanston Wyoming and Randolph Utah. So Ogden gives me a studio, that I can do a straight shot microwave link to. SLC doesn’t. I’d settle for Morgan, but any further along 84 there would take me out of the line of sight beeline that I need for a signal, besides getting people to be on air talent to drive to Morgan is like finding same that would drive from Twin Falls to Buhl, or Gooding.

Last but not least, still waiting on noise from DWS on Medicaid, guess I need to keep lighting a fire under their ass. I’ll give that to Idaho. Idaho did the right thing, putting food and health in well , the Department of Health & Welfare. The latter applying to me. Now I hear from so many if your doing this radio gig and all, why do you need aid? I’m only the project head here, the money is held by the club, and two, to date as it has been since 1975 when what is now HazzardAyre went on the air, I have yet to get or request a paycheck from the club. Thought about it some, but never asked. I do it to fulfill a need by the asphalt warriors both truckers as well as toewers , and of course like me a biker. Information and entertainment that we want, but no other station provides . Trust me we tried. And of course us preaching the history of southern culture and the southern cause over the air, up in these parts was just not going to be allowed by the Yankee Mountain West media in any form. FYI, Hazzard County Radio, the half parent of HazzardAyre, was howling southern history , long before Dixie Broadcasting ever signed on the air.

But saying that , I’m glad Ray McBerry who runs that are good friends and I’m proud to call Ray a southern brother. Just wish he’d update some programming, as he had an interview on there last night of which we carried here on KDXB, that was done just before Christmas. Think Ray needs more live on air’s other than Heidi from Dixie Outfitters on there. I understand though, finding on air talent especially female can be a challenge.

Finally, with all this hassle of finding on camera and on radio talent especially female, the Knytes-of-Anarchy will be opening an agency of its own in Woods Cross Utah in July , called; “KNYTESTAR MODELING BANNERThat is KnyteStar Agency. Representing the bad girls. Or at least the ones not caring much of what the church thinks, but doing the racy spicy work that none and even yes, rebel fight the system is looking to do.

Any mile , much to do Thursday, so I’m in bed.


wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice and need.
--François Marie Arouet Voltaire
Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things are coming together


Before I get off on my rant here, want to say that I met with a super hottie yesterday by the name of Kim, who has this thing I want in on. She’s doing a thing with a little bubble contraption, that measures body fat. Then Kim tells you how to realistically get it off. Beyond that like I said Kim is a hot looker, and will be our dance director at HazzardAyre.

Still waiting for calls from Sam, and all Sam at Urban Talent the so called bunch from Lehi. My thought is, there will not be a phone call, but we’ll see near the 8th. This shit just takes time.

Any mile took a ride cup the Canyon to Logan this morning. One of the beauties of being someone with two wheels is dressing down, and have that cold breeze in your face waking you up at 75 mph. Then got back just in time to see the DirecTV kid getting ready to split, so I got him busy and now have TV.

Now then benefits secure, and now just have to recover trucks, dishes and some odds , then done, but I’ll say this, I will never ever say anything bad against the IDH&W, nor public agencies. Compared to Utah’s, Idaho reins supreme. If you want to see some people doing an executives version of humping a foot ball, watch Utah’s DWS process a food stamp, med benefits app. Proves there as much yankee stupid in Utah as there is in Idaho. Finally the DirecTV folks got me up and going today which is a relief. I love all my old vcr tapes, Dukes,Airwolf and Movin On, still looking for a set of BJ & The Bear, would top that off.

While its keen to watch old shows the idea of redoing many of those today, is a subject of both conjecture and logistics. While there are some rudimentary agencies here. As well as a few aspiring to be so, the failure of returning phone calls, and all is frustrating to say the least. With many of them, I wish that when you call them up and they get excited, but then no contact makes me just want to say be honest. All they need to do is just say, we’re not interested, its not our kind of gig, maybe in the future but not now, SOMETHING. Sure I’d be a bit put off, but then I don’t just stay in a holding pattern awaiting landing instructions. While HazzardAyre, and the club that backs it with our supporters, is a bit ruff around the edges, does not make us as a group any less real. But too even if I wanted to I couldn’t do much about it, so I just live with it. Like it was said in movie, if you build it, they will come.

My body is terribly sore so I’m out for the night, enjoy the offerings of the network tonight on HazzardAyre, and I’ll catch you around the galaxy.


my hh sig2my toew tag

Quote of the Day:
Do first what you dread the most.
1 John 1:9“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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